Hi Taylor. I have a few questions. I wrote this piece and disagree with the accusation that my reporting wasn't truthful.
1. You stated that this reporting represents of the views of "probably 6-8 people at most." Why is that the figure you listed? How would you respond to my reporting stating the fact that 24 residents at Embark signed a letter sent on March 31st that echoed many of the complaints I listed in this article?
2. You wrote "During Covid when the 2nd-floor balcony was closed no-one was maintaining weeds, there were other pressing issues," then you listed other issues related to accusations you have about your neighbors behavior. So the weeds are still there last I visited. Why haven't they been removed yet? Also could John Stewart Company not have addressed the issues you've listed while addressing the weeds? This is a job that looks like it would take about an hour to fix.
3. You wrote "The non-residents coming in the building are being let in by residents who "break" the doors and leave them open so they can have these people come in. " Ok do you have any evidence to back that up? Like I stated in my article, when I visited, a person who clearly didn't live there walked in the unlocked front door and a resident immediately asked them to leave.
4. You wrote "How about the fact that there are those with mental disabilities, drug and alcohol issues, anger issues, physical disabilities and those who are elderly or simply Veterans that are trying to maintain a peaceful environment. Without knowing who is who, how could you possibly verify the validity of your report." I never claimed to speak for all or even the majority of Embark residents. I listed every source and what they said. There was seems to be 24 residents who agree with a lot of this or why would they have signed the letter? What about what I've written is invalid? I list every source and also base it on my own visits to the site?
5. You wrote "Many of us are tired of these "white" led organizations trying to make a name for themselves by using "minorities" or the "dis-advantaged" to do "their" agenda while convincing those who are making the noise that it's for them! They put their name out there as if they are helping us but all they do is get paid to organize the non-paid and take the credit for it." What white led organizations are you referring to? I did list TANC, which yes, is probably 75% white, but you're implying here there are multiple organizations doing tenant advocacy work? Are you referring to any group other than TANC? If so, who? All evidence I have suggests your implication that TANC people get paid is false. They are a non-paid volunteer organization that I've been reporting on your years now. If you have any evidence that TANC organizers get paid, by all means, let me know.