Protesters Rally in Berkeley For Whole Foods Workers To Openly Support Black Lives Matter

Zack Haber
6 min readJul 28, 2020
Ex-Whole Foods worker Jordan Baker (left) and Amazon worker Tasi Lovel (right) at a rally outside of Whole Foods Telegraph store in Berkeley on July 27th 2020. Photo by Zack Haber.

About 35 Whole Foods workers, ex-workers and supporters gathered outside of the store’s Berkeley Telegraph Avenue location on Saturday afternoon to protest the company and local management not allowing workers to wear masks and attire that says “Black Lives Matter.” The action followed and built on a similar larger event that occurred on Friday July 17, when, according to ex-Whole Foods worker Jordan Baker, about 250 people rallied outside of Whole Foods’ Gilman Street location.

Although protestors said they were also responding to a long history of racism and white supremacy at Whole Foods, one specific incident helped spark the rallies: management at the Gilman street location demanding that Baker, who is Black, remove a mask that said “Black Lives Matter” on it on July 14.

“Store leadership told me they wouldn’t want to get in the middle of me and an angry customer who was offended by me wearing something that says ‘Black Lives Matter,” said Baker. “They told me it was akin to someone wearing a MAGA mask and that it was a controversial statement.”

Management gave Baker the option of wearing another mask or leaving for the day. Not wanting to compromise her principals, Baker decided to leave. Although she had worked at Whole Foods for seven…

